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It’s Not Too Early to Start Planning for Year-End Giving

Jamie Klobuchar
September 21, 2022

Here in Chicago, it doesn’t quite feel like fall yet. The trees have their leaves, and you can still go out in a t-shirt and enjoy the sun. 

But summer is starting to feel very fleeting, and I know cooler weather and shorter days are on the way. And for my fellow fundraisers, that means year-end giving is right around the corner. 

In busy development shops, it can feel like September is too early to be thinking about year-end giving. We’re still three months out! But this is actually the perfect time to start planning for your best year-end giving yet. 

Not sure where to start? I’ve compiled three great resources to start with. 

The 3 S’s of Early-Bird Year-End Planning  

  1. Storytelling. How can you stand out during the busy year-end appeals story? Powerful storytelling. Check out 5 Tips for Better Storytelling in Your Year-End Appeal to be ahead of the game. 
  2. Segmentation. Perhaps you’ve crafted your best year-end mailer yet. If you don’t send it to the right people, unfortunately, it won’t have the intended result. And we all know that building your year-end list always takes longer than you think. Luckily, you can check out this blog for tips on donor segmentation and an awesome worksheet that will make the process simpler.  
  3. Stewardship. The most successful year-end campaigns are the culmination of a year of thoughtful stewardship. Fall is a great time to kick your stewardship into high-gear to prep your donors for that year-end ask. Check out 5 Ways to Improve Your Stewardship and Achieve Your Best Year-End Yet for tangible tips and a checklist you can use to get started.