Advisor, Career Services

Rhoda Weisman

Los Angeles, CA

Rhoda Weisman is a Los Angeles-based coach, mentor and talent development specialist passionately devoted to growing purpose-driven and innovative leaders across the globe. Rhoda has coached over 5,000 leaders and helped place more than 500 of them into meaningful career positions. Many have said that Rhoda sees beyond their “surface” to their “essence,” and her gift is to show them their unique path forward. One CEO said, “Rhoda constantly pushes me to think bigger and not only dream about what’s possible but make it a reality. She saw enormous potential in me and made it her mission to help me secure the position of my dreams.”

Through a professional coaching process, Rhoda empowers clients to visualize their career trajectories and best align their transferable skills and talents with the positions they are seeking. Clients learn to tell their authentic professional and career stories powerfully, exemplifying their vision, values and expertise. With Rhoda’s guidance, clients consistently overcome prior challenges that may have prevented them from experiencing the great success they are capable of creating in their lives and organizations. 



Recent clients

  • ADL
  • M2, the Institute of Experiential Education
  • Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
  • Jewish Funders Network 
  • Fundamental Philanthropic Advisors
  • At the Well
  • Gather DC
  • Repair the World
  • Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan
  • Pardes Institute
  • American Red Cross
  • Jewish Free Loan of Los Angeles
  • Stanford Hillel


Master of Arts, Jewish Professional Leadership, Brandeis University

International Coaching Federation Certified Coach


Rhoda enjoys chaplaincy, spiritual growth, baking, cooking, entertaining, wonderful friends and family, art, and Pelotoning!